Tax Filing Fees

2012-2013 Fees

Gross Income $up to $74.9k $75k to $99.9k $100k to $149.9k
1040 Form $175 $200 $225
Schedule A $75 $100 $150
Schedule B $90 $100 $150
Schedule C $125 $175 $225
Schedule D $125 $175 $225
Schedule E $150 $200 $250
Preceding fees include N.J. filing
Add each additional State $150 $200 $250

Fees do not include costs of compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA; Obamacare).

Fees do not include costs of compliance with new permanent Final Repair Regulations.

Custom fees available for 1120-H (Condominiums); S Corporations; C Corporations; Partnerships